A valuable part of our Beloved Community is our ability to care for our Members & Friends in times of need. It is the entire congregation’s responsibility and privilege to care for one another, strengthening the bonds in our own community as we engage in ministry beyond our walls.
The Caring Team is the hub for all caring needs. We connect Members & Friends in temporary need with others in the congregation who are able to help, as well as welcome direct and specific feedback about how well the Caring ministry is functioning.
The type of Caring that we help arrange includes:
- Meals & Grocery Shopping
- Rides to the Fellowship
- Caring Visits
- Cards
- Pastoral Appointments with our Minister or our Lay Pastoral Associates
- IT (computer) assistance for issues related to MUUF
If you are in need, please contact the Fellowship by calling 973.540.1177 ext. 101 or emailing care@muuf.org, making sure to put “Caring Request” in the subject line.
We share our milestones and passages (significant joys, sorrows, transitions) with one another on Sunday mornings.
Mission – Inspired by the core values of our Unitarian Universalist principles, we encourage all members and friends to come together to actively create and sustain an interdependent caring community. Our purpose is to compassionately support, listen, comfort and companion congregants in times of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual need.