As part of the Board’s efforts to facilitate connection, communication, and coordination between the Fellowship’s Board, Committee on Ministry, staff, and ministry teams, the Board hosts quarterly Network Meetings. Congregational leaders are invited to participate and pass on information shared during the meeting to their group members and beyond. On November 20th the Network convened its second quarterly meeting of the year, focused on Relationship Building and the idea that Community = Relationships.
The meeting highlighted several key initiatives aimed at strengthening relationships and fostering community engagement.
Reverend Sasha has been actively building connections with groups like The Folk Project, Gay Activist Alliance in Morris County (GAAMC), and the Morris Area Interfaith Clergy Council, the Morris Area New Jersey Together affiliate of the Industrial Areas Foundation, and local UU colleagues in the New Jersey cluster of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association, laying the groundwork for meaningful collaborations.
Nick Wallwork shared updates on the Tending Congregational Life classes, which are helping participants develop a shared understanding of community building and a commitment to inclusivity.
Kendall Martin provided insights into COM’s efforts to assist with interpersonal conflicts and gather input from members on this year’s Open Questions that guide the Fellowship’s future priorities and strategies, including, “what does it mean to be welcoming?”, “how are we called to use our new space?”, and “what is our mission?” For more information about this years open questions, please see the article in this Newsletter describing our Board Retreat and actions underway: Vision of Ministry and Open Questions at Morristown UU Fellowship.
Carolyn Evans outlined the Welcoming Team’s initiatives to improve visitor engagement through systematic follow-ups and increased visibility at local fairs, while also supporting Reverend Sasha’s work with newcomers , such as the new monthly Newcomer Welcome gatherings, the twice-a-year Prospective Member Lunches, and the upcoming Starting Point Soul Matters class for newcomers..
During the discussions, members highlighted several successes, challenges, and opportunities for growth in community engagement. They emphasized the positive inclusion of children in services, the support shown to families, and the value of Welcome Ambassadors and the new Lay Pastoral Care Team in fostering post-service connections. Captioning and music enhancements were also noted as meaningful improvements. Members also offered ideas for areas of improvement, including managing communications, updating banners, streamlining tools like Signup Genius, and addressing the limitations of Realm.
To strengthen the Fellowship’s broader role, participants suggested thinking deeply about the use of the new Chu Hall, inviting neighbors to events, and increasing volunteer collaborations with external organizations. Intentional efforts to build community were also raised, with ideas such as becoming a refuge for those seeking meaningful action in the wider community, prioritizing social justice through deeds, and enhancing personal outreach through direct contact.
We need everyone’s help to live our values and help build the beloved community. Let’s continue to strengthen our connections so we can make a greater impact both within our Fellowship and beyond in our wider Community.