A network is a group or a system of interconnected people or things that interact to exchange information. Using that definition there are many formal and informal networks at the Fellowship. Networks are important in our personal and professional lives as they help us create long-term mutually beneficial relationships. The formal MUUF Network facilitates communications among leaders of committees recognized or appointed by the Board of Trustees and the staff that supports them. In other words the Network is a place to let the right hand know what the left hand is doing.
One of the most important functions of the Network is to keep the congregation informed about ways they can be involved. We are jumping into the new year with a volunteer fair on February 12. At this fair you can find out what committees are doing and how you can help. Whether you are able to give an hour, a day, a week or more there is sure to be a way you can be more deeply involved with our sacred community. Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and satisfaction while helping our congregation live our principles. We are looking forward to working with you as part of our network of volunteers.