We are seeking volunteers to develop and lead the “Age of Reason” class for our 2nd and 3rd graders, which will take place from April 6th to May 18th, culminating at Flower Communion on June 1st.
The class will explore and highlight the stage of growth our children are reaching: they are starting to ask big questions, developing their own thoughts and ideas, and their understanding of the world is broadening. The curriculum aims to highlight our children’s individual voices.
The Age of Reason curriculum is a beautiful UU tradition of recognizing the uniqueness of our children through ceremony and ritual. The curricula encompass art, music, family reflection, activities, mindful meditation & play, and most of all, discussing “What does it mean to be UU?”
We have Kara Solu-Franklin’s curriculum from two years ago as a starting point, but we encourage volunteers to make it their own, working with the Director of Religious Education.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact our DRE, Nick Wallwork.
Thank you for your support of our Religious Education program!