Mar 3, 6 pm: Adult Mad Libs: We will be playing the pride version of Adult Mad Libs. For those unfamiliar with this game, a “reader” asks everyone else (the “writers”) to supply words to fill in blanks in a document (known to the reader but not the writers). The results can be hilarious. Titles include “Cubs and Otters and Bears, Oh My!”, “Lesbian Potluck: A Menu”, and “Gay Beach Body Guide.” For a change of pace, we may also test our knowledge of Queer Trivia. Come prepared to have fun and perhaps to think a bit.
Mar 10, 6 pm: The Joys of March: Come to GAAMC’s “Joys of March” to learn more historical information about the third month’s events, including Daylight Savings time, Ash Wednesday, International Women’s Day & the first day of Spring.
Mar 17, 6 pm: St. Patrick’s Day: Come join us as we celebrate this festive day. Wear some green clothes and enjoy a piece of St Paddy’s cake!
Mar 24, 6pm: The Florham Park Diner: Enjoy good fun & food at a reasonable price! We’ll meet at the restaurant located at 182 Ridgedale Ave in Florham Park. Please rsvp by Friday, March 21, to Gordon Sauer at president@gaamc.org.
Mar 31, 6pm: The Joys of Spring: Come join us when we talk about Spring and what we love about it. We’ll also discuss the changing of the seasons, our favorite season, and our plans for the warmer months.
Refreshments are served at meetings, and a small donation is requested of attendees.