2024 Service Auction: Submit Your Offerings by November 1
The theme of this year’s Service Auction is captured in one word, Imagine, which evokes the
unlimited new horizons ahead for the Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship with our new
settled minister, Reverend Sasha Ostrom, and our new Gateway facilities. In fact, the kickoff
party for the Service Auction on November 16 will be the first event held in the new Chu Family
Hall, on the eve of our building dedication day on November 17.
The big news for this week is that our online auction platform is open for donations, also
known as offerings. To help spark ideas and answer your questions about making offerings, the
Service Auction Committee will be available at a table in the Terrace Room during coffee hour
on Sunday (and every Sunday through November 10).
If you already have an offering in mind, there is no need to wait. Go to our Service Auction web
page, which links to the auction platform and guides you through the process. It also offers
answers to common questions.
The Service Auction is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the Fellowship, with the money
going to the operating budget, but we call it our biggest “fun-raiser” because the activities we
share throughout the year build friendships and community.
The foundation of the auction is the donations/offerings. Throughout the years, our
members have hosted dinners and parties at their homes, arranged trips to favorite gardens and
museums, organized hikes and game nights, invited guests to concerts or favorite restaurants,
and offered personal services like gardening or house painting to a lucky bidder. Auction
offerings also include foods and artworks people make themselves.
Bidding for the service auction will start in-person during our kickoff party, which goes from 5PM
to 8PM on November 16. Tickets for the event ($20 in advance, $25 at the door) will go on
sale on October 20. Online bidding will continue through noon on November 24.