We need lots of help in Religious Education next year. We need your help! There are three children’s classes, Middle School, Coming of Age, Youth Group, and Adult Small Groups. We are looking for lead teachers who would be the primary contact for each class, coordinating with the DRE materials, volunteer schedules, attendance, etc. We also need Co-Teachers who help prepare and teach classes.
If you are uncertain if you can do this work, we will be providing a teacher training before the year kicks off. If you don’t know if you can commit for the entire year, that is okay. We ask that you commit for at least 3 months. (Experience of current teachers says that you will probably sign on for more.) Though you are not required to volunteer every week. We hope to fill enough spots so that volunteers can work around their own schedules. If you have any questions or concerns, contact our DRE, Nick, to set up a time to chat.
- Pre-K-First (Need 1 Lead and 3-4 Co-Teachers)
- 2nd-3rd Grade (Need 1 Lead and 3-4 Co-Teachers)
- 4th-5th Grade (Need 1 Lead and 3-4 Co-Teachers)
- Middle School (Grades 6&7) (Need 1 Lead and 3-4 Co-Teachers)
- Coming of Age (Grade 8) (Need 2 Lead Teachers and 2-3 Co-Teachers)
- Youth Group (Grades 9-12 (Need 4-5 Advisors)
- Adult Small Groups (Need a facilitator for each small group)
Still not sure if you have what it takes? Here are what we are looking for, we can help with all the rest:
- A team player with a view toward long-term sustainability and short-term change.
- Live our UU principles and follow our Right Relations Promise.
- Familiarity (or openness to learn) REALM, Google Workspace, and other technologies that make this work more efficient
- Regularly check in with DRE to inform of any problems, concerns, or needs
- Share joyous stories with fellow teachers
- Willingness to submit to a background check
- Be organized and prepared
- Maintain a clarity of mind in stressful situations
- Developing a greater understanding of one’s strengths and weaknesses
- Maintains a sense of curiosity and wonder (In no way needs to be an expert, just a guide in discovery)
- Help build resilience, offer support, and encourage each child to connect with their quest for purpose and meaning
- Think about the gifts you will bring to the classroom and how your talents might complement your co-teacher and bring joy to the group
If this sounds like you and something you are ready to do, fill out this application. If you want to chat with Nick, set up a time here.