Bubbling with Excitement
In our upper elementary classroom, we created invitations for the kids to give to friends. The invitations were connected to bubbles with a play on words– “We are bubbling with excitement…” – Shared by Carrie D.
Water Communion Table and Marrakech Water Museum
On the left, you will see an image of a table created by Morristown UU members Mary MacGowan and Barbara Castellana Stasiak for the Fellowship’s 2024 Ingathering and Water Communion service. Mary and Barbara used silky blue and turquoise fabrics supplied by Beth Wilson and urns and vases purchased at the Habitat ReStore.
On the right, you will see a reflection by Barbara about her journey to a Marrakech museum later that month with Morristown UU friends Kathy & John Solu, where they explored the scientific and spiritual dimensions of water. As our own community contemplated the value and meaning of water in September, Barbara was struck by the insights that Islamic traditions can offer Unitarian Universalists.