For the June 1st, 2025 Annual Meeting, the Nominating Committee is seeking three members to join the Board in the following roles:
Trustee-at-large Network
Trustee-at-large Strategic Planning
Additionally, we are looking for one member to join the Nominating Committee and for one member to join the Finance Committee.
Below are descriptions of the Board of Trustee and Committee positions that the Nominating Committee seeks to fill for at the Annual Meeting in June. The slate must be completed within 30 days of the meeting.
Eligibility Requirements: All elected members of the Board and MUUF Committees must be Members in Good Standing, meaning they have joined the Fellowship, are at least 15 years of age (18 if the position entails financial responsibilities) and have made and kept up with a financial pledge to the Operating Budget, or having received a confidential waiver from doing so from the Minister or Board President.
MUUF Board of Trustees
Description of Board Responsibilities
For all Board positions
- The members of the MUUF Board of Trustees bring their skills and best intentions to help lead and guide our Fellowship.
- Board members are asked to learn about our Bylaws and governance model and to focus on the particular areas of Board work for which they were elected.
- The Board as a whole meets, agrees and recommends a budget and has fiduciary responsibilities to monitor the collection and distribution of funds to run our Fellowship.
- Officers – including President, Treasurer, Secretary, Pres-Elect, and Treas-Elect have the authority to sign checks.
- Working closely with our staff, the Board charters standing and special Committees who plan, implement, teach, and care for our spiritual needs and physical space.
- The Board implements policy, makes and votes on binding resolutions, and represents MUUF in the wider world.
- Our Board sets yearly goals and focuses on governance, strategy, and financial matters.
- Major topics for 2024–2025 include welcoming our new Settled Minister Rev. Sasha Ostrom, the end of the implementation of the 2022 Strategic Plan, the Completion Phase of our Capital Campaign mortgage prevention, and of course, supporting our daily operations and services.
- Attending all Board meetings (2nd Wednesday evening each month) – Hybrid
- Attend and hold time for Working Board Meetings (4th Wed evening each month), these are periodic and typically by zoom.
- Attend Board Retreat in August for 1.5 to 2 days. Work with the Board to update and agree to the Board Covenant. Periods of discernment, confidential discussions, and then “Speaking with one voice” is an expectation from all Board members.
- Review Board Packets, Bylaws, and work with the entire Board to approve resolutions, policies, budget modifications, and other business of the Fellowship which is managed by the Board of Trustees.
- Be aware of and ready to support Policy Governance work including learning bylaws, policy governance basics, and joining ad-hoc Board teams to support Policy creation and review.
President - Convene board meetings and agendas, hold retreat, approve expenditures, and budget, train president-elect, and is the official representative of MUUF.
Responsibilities of the Board President
- Set agenda and preside over Board meetings
- Solicit input from Board members and staff for agenda items
- Email purpose and agenda in advance of all meetings in timely fashion
- Lead an orderly meeting according to the agenda, time commitments, and right relations agreements, making adjustments as needed to serve the interests of the Board's objectives
- Coordinate planning and preside over congregational meetings (including Annual Meeting)
- Solicit input from Board members, staff, and other relevant members of the congregation for agenda items
- Email purpose and agenda in advance of all meetings to Board, staff, and other relevant congregational members
- Work with Board Secretary (who works with the Administrator) to provide appropriate notification to congregational members
- Call additional congregational meetings as needed
- Represent the Board as needed and appropriate within the congregation, in the NY Metro District, the UUA, and the community
- Keep track of the BIG picture - support implementation of priorities of the Board; keep things from falling through the cracks; recognize and initiate action for critical issues that come up. Work with the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer to monitor expenses and income with respect to the budget and priorities.
- Work closely with the Finance Committee, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer to set the budget for next fiscal year.
- Meet periodically with the minister and Endowment Committee.
- Mentor/train/work closely with, and communicate often with the President-Elect
- Work closely with the Minister
- Meet monthly with Executive Committee (President-Elect and Minister) to review agenda for upcoming Board meeting and discuss important issues
- Notify COM of any situations of note
- Be available to all Board members for consultation and support; check in with Board members as needed related to the smooth functioning of Board
- Perform executive duties, including
- In the absence of the minister, meet with prospective members to sign the membership book
- Review membership rolls annually with minister and chair of Membership & Welcoming Committee for reporting to the UUA
- Serve as ex-officio member of the Networks and all Fellowship committees (except COM)
President-Elect / Treasurer Elect - A one-year role that serves as the trainee and key support for President OR Treasurer supporting all the areas of that role. The President-Elect can represent MUUF as required.
Responsibilities of the Board President-Elect
- Support the President in functions of that office, for example, attend monthly Executive Committee Meetings, create agenda, review budget, sign checks, implement strategic planning, lead meetings, etc.
- Perform the role of the President in the President's absence
- Work closely with President and Minister to learn processes critical to the functioning of the Fellowship and responsibilities of the President
- Act as Board representative for building rentals
- Attend monthly Executive Committee meetings
- Act as Chair of the Annual Budget Drive and attend key Finance Committee meetings. Transition with the President in building the Budget for next fiscal year.
- Work with the Operations Manager as the Board representative for building rentals and policy decisions
- Attend to special Board projects as needed (e.g., Strategic/ Operational Planning Liaison)
Responsibilities of the Board Assistant Treasurer (aka Treasurer-elect)
- First year working and learning with Treas.
- Then two- years as Treasurer, the third year having a Treasurer-elect with you
- Learn the role of the treasure
- Perform the role of Treasurer in the Treasurer’s absence
- Attend monthly Finance Committee meetings
- Attend Stewardship Committee meetings
- Stay aware of all Board and congregational issues that have financial impact
Board Secretary
- Post the minutes of Board meetings in Room 100 and on the website
- Take minutes of monthly and special Board meetings and revise as requested
- Send announcements of Deeds Well Done to the newsletter editor
- Write notes to the people recognized for Deeds Well Done
- Write and send announcement to the congregation about congregational meetings
- Take minutes of congregational meetings
- Help coordinate Fellowship calendar and related communications
Vice President - Admin and Program Network
- Set the agenda for the quarterly monthly Network meetings
- Work with the Minister and Board Executive Team to facilitate Team and Committee members to meet and exchange ideas and best practices.
- Work in the area of Policy Governance to facilitate implementation of Plan by Fellowship Committees and Ministry Teams. These policies and procedures directly impact and involve Network team leaders.
- Work to assist TAL Strategic Planning, Board and Staff, to support Fellowship Teams and Committees in understanding and implementing Mission and Strategic Plan and how Fellowship policies and procedures are used to implement plans.
- Lead the Network meetings and facilitate communications between the functional groups.
- Compile committee reports for distribution to stakeholders outside the Admin Network.
- Lead functional group activities when requested and as time permits
- Stay informed on internal and external issues affecting Board and Fellowship actions
- Bring priority items to the Board from the Network
- Bring priority items to the Network from the Board or Staff.
Trustee at Large - General Description Valid for all TAL roles
- A three year commitment to the Board.
- Attending all Board meetings (2nd Wednesday evening each month) - Hybrid
- Attend and hold time for Working Board Meetings (4th Wed evening each month), these are periodic and typically by zoom.
- Attend Board Retreat in August (typically 1st or 2nd week) for 1.5 to 2 days. Work with the Board to update and agree to Board Covenant. Periods of discernment, confidential discussions, and then “Speaking with one voice” is an expectation from all Board members.
- Review Board Packets, Bylaws, and work with the entire Board to approve resolutions, policies, budget modifications, and other business of the Fellowship which is managed by the Board of Trustees.
- Be aware of and ready to support Policy Governance work including learning bylaws, policy governance basics, and joining ad-hoc Board teams to support Policy creation and review.
- As Organizational Chart and clarity around leadership of Ministries Teams has been clarified in 2023-2025, the role of “named” TAL positions, such as Membership, Social Justice, are becoming more focused on being aware and supporting the Staff or Staff-delegated volunteer leaders of various Teams.
Trustee at Large - Strategic Planning
- Currently, the 2022 Strategic Plan is underway and this TAL should be familiar with and support the current plan.
- Working with the Board and Executive Team, discern the need and timing of a revised Strategic Planning in the 2025-2028 timeframe.
- Work in the area of Policy Governance to facilitate implementation of Plan by Fellowship Committees and Ministry Teams. This is a direct way for the Board to help in Strategic Plan Implementation.
- Support Board and Staff as Board representative to help coordinate creation of new Mission Statement. Currently, COM is supporting the Board by leading Open Question sessions. The Open Question “What is our Mission?”, could result in Mission Statement development in the year ahead and this TAL could be assigned to help in this regard.
Trustee at Large - Membership
- A three year commitment
- This role will likely evolve as it aligns with Strategic Plan Implementation (Strategic Direction 1: Expanding Community and Congregational Involvement); Current focus is broadly on Membership committees and teams (Welcoming/ Engagement, Fun Community Connections, Caring and other key areas impacting members)
- Collaboration with the minister, DRE and congregational administrator as appropriate
- Collaboration with Network Trustee and other trustees as appropriate (shared projects)
- Ongoing learning on membership and inclusivity through LeaderLab or other sources
- Familiarity with Realm and methods of outreach
- Attention to:
- Fostering a welcoming culture within our congregation
- Monitoring the health of our congregation
- Learning from members and friends who have distanced themselves
- Membership engagement
- Congregational growth
- Improving our volunteer “culture”
- A key feedback loop to the Board on members’ impressions and engagement
Trustee at Large - Stewardship
- A three year commitment
- Works closely with the Treasurer at a strategic level looking after the Physical and Financial Health of the Fellowship with an eye to employees, volunteers, building and grounds, equipment, finances and other items.
- Maintain open communication and support Fund raising, Endowment and Finance committees
- Facilitate and oversee the Annual Budget Drive and Service Auction as well as other fundraising activities.
- Routinely, check in with pledge income and contact members as needed.
- Helps ensure financial support is available as allocated
- Maintain open communication and support Personnel committee, employees and volunteers to ensure our human resources are utilized to their fullest potential and assist in resolving issues if they arise
- Support search committees and interview process for new employees as needed, assist with onboarding process
- Support the updating of policies, specifically those directed towards resources
- Maintain open communication and be a liaison with facilities and grounds as well as Gateways, assist in obtaining funding for specific projects as appropriate and ensure projects are addressed in order of what is best for the fellowship immediately and long term.
Trustee at Large - Social Justice Equity Compassion
- Works with the Fellowship social justice committees and serves as liaison with the Board.
- Work with the Minister, the Director of Religious Education and Ministries Administrator as a social justice advocate. Work to assist MUUF Priority Area Leaders and Program Committees that are in need of revitalization or assistance in achieving their envisioned functionality.
- Lead the SEAC meetings and facilitate communications between the functional social justice groups.
- Stay informed on internal and external issues affecting Board and Fellowship actions:
- Side with Love Action
- UU The Vote
- UU Faith Action NJ
President - Convene board meetings and agendas, hold retreat, approve expenditures, and budget, train president-elect, and is the official representative of MUUF.
Responsibilities of the Board President
- Set agenda and preside over Board meetings
- Solicit input from Board members and staff for agenda items
- Email purpose and agenda in advance of all meetings in timely fashion
- Lead an orderly meeting according to the agenda, time commitments, and right relations agreements, making adjustments as needed to serve the interests of the Board's objectives
- Coordinate planning and preside over congregational meetings (including Annual Meeting)
- Solicit input from Board members, staff, and other relevant members of the congregation for agenda items
- Email purpose and agenda in advance of all meetings to Board, staff, and other relevant congregational members
- Work with Board Secretary (who works with the Administrator) to provide appropriate notification to congregational members
- Call additional congregational meetings as needed
- Represent the Board as needed and appropriate within the congregation, in the NY Metro District, the UUA, and the community
- Keep track of the BIG picture - support implementation of priorities of the Board; keep things from falling through the cracks; recognize and initiate action for critical issues that come up. Work with the Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer to monitor expenses and income with respect to the budget and priorities.
- Work closely with the Finance Committee, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer to set the budget for next fiscal year.
- Meet periodically with the minister and Endowment Committee.
- Mentor/train/work closely with, and communicate often with the President-Elect
- Work closely with the Minister
- Meet monthly with Executive Committee (President-Elect and Minister) to review agenda for upcoming Board meeting and discuss important issues
- Notify COM of any situations of note
- Be available to all Board members for consultation and support; check in with Board members as needed related to the smooth functioning of Board
- Perform executive duties, including
- In the absence of the minister, meet with prospective members to sign the membership book
- Review membership rolls annually with minister and chair of Membership & Welcoming Committee for reporting to the UUA
- Serve as ex-officio member of the Networks and all Fellowship committees (except COM)
President-Elect / Treasurer Elect - A one-year role that serves as the trainee and key support for President OR Treasurer supporting all the areas of that role. The President-Elect can represent MUUF as required.
Responsibilities of the Board President-Elect
- Support the President in functions of that office, for example, attend monthly Executive Committee Meetings, create agenda, review budget, sign checks, implement strategic planning, lead meetings, etc.
- Perform the role of the President in the President's absence
- Work closely with President and Minister to learn processes critical to the functioning of the Fellowship and responsibilities of the President
- Act as Board representative for building rentals
- Attend monthly Executive Committee meetings
- Act as Chair of the Annual Budget Drive and attend key Finance Committee meetings. Transition with the President in building the Budget for next fiscal year.
- Work with the Operations Manager as the Board representative for building rentals and policy decisions
- Attend to special Board projects as needed (e.g., Strategic/ Operational Planning Liaison)
Responsibilities of the Board Assistant Treasurer (aka Treasurer-elect)
- First year working and learning with Treas.
- Then two- years as Treasurer, the third year having a Treasurer-elect with you
- Learn the role of the treasure
- Perform the role of Treasurer in the Treasurer’s absence
- Attend monthly Finance Committee meetings
- Attend Stewardship Committee meetings
- Stay aware of all Board and congregational issues that have financial impact
Board Secretary
- Post the minutes of Board meetings in Room 100 and on the website
- Take minutes of monthly and special Board meetings and revise as requested
- Send announcements of Deeds Well Done to the newsletter editor
- Write notes to the people recognized for Deeds Well Done
- Write and send announcement to the congregation about congregational meetings
- Take minutes of congregational meetings
- Help coordinate Fellowship calendar and related communications
Vice President - Admin and Program Network
- Set the agenda for the quarterly monthly Network meetings
- Work with the Minister and Board Executive Team to facilitate Team and Committee members to meet and exchange ideas and best practices.
- Work in the area of Policy Governance to facilitate implementation of Plan by Fellowship Committees and Ministry Teams. These policies and procedures directly impact and involve Network team leaders.
- Work to assist TAL Strategic Planning, Board and Staff, to support Fellowship Teams and Committees in understanding and implementing Mission and Strategic Plan and how Fellowship policies and procedures are used to implement plans.
- Lead the Network meetings and facilitate communications between the functional groups.
- Compile committee reports for distribution to stakeholders outside the Admin Network.
- Lead functional group activities when requested and as time permits
- Stay informed on internal and external issues affecting Board and Fellowship actions
- Bring priority items to the Board from the Network
- Bring priority items to the Network from the Board or Staff.
Trustee at Large - General Description Valid for all TAL roles
- A three year commitment to the Board.
- Attending all Board meetings (2nd Wednesday evening each month) - Hybrid
- Attend and hold time for Working Board Meetings (4th Wed evening each month), these are periodic and typically by zoom.
- Attend Board Retreat in August (typically 1st or 2nd week) for 1.5 to 2 days. Work with the Board to update and agree to Board Covenant. Periods of discernment, confidential discussions, and then “Speaking with one voice” is an expectation from all Board members.
- Review Board Packets, Bylaws, and work with the entire Board to approve resolutions, policies, budget modifications, and other business of the Fellowship which is managed by the Board of Trustees.
- Be aware of and ready to support Policy Governance work including learning bylaws, policy governance basics, and joining ad-hoc Board teams to support Policy creation and review.
- As Organizational Chart and clarity around leadership of Ministries Teams has been clarified in 2023-2025, the role of “named” TAL positions, such as Membership, Social Justice, are becoming more focused on being aware and supporting the Staff or Staff-delegated volunteer leaders of various Teams.
Trustee at Large - Strategic Planning
- Currently, the 2022 Strategic Plan is underway and this TAL should be familiar with and support the current plan.
- Working with the Board and Executive Team, discern the need and timing of a revised Strategic Planning in the 2025-2028 timeframe.
- Work in the area of Policy Governance to facilitate implementation of Plan by Fellowship Committees and Ministry Teams. This is a direct way for the Board to help in Strategic Plan Implementation.
- Support Board and Staff as Board representative to help coordinate creation of new Mission Statement. Currently, COM is supporting the Board by leading Open Question sessions. The Open Question “What is our Mission?”, could result in Mission Statement development in the year ahead and this TAL could be assigned to help in this regard.
Trustee at Large - Membership
- A three year commitment
- This role will likely evolve as it aligns with Strategic Plan Implementation (Strategic Direction 1: Expanding Community and Congregational Involvement); Current focus is broadly on Membership committees and teams (Welcoming/ Engagement, Fun Community Connections, Caring and other key areas impacting members)
- Collaboration with the minister, DRE and congregational administrator as appropriate
- Collaboration with Network Trustee and other trustees as appropriate (shared projects)
- Ongoing learning on membership and inclusivity through LeaderLab or other sources
- Familiarity with Realm and methods of outreach
- Attention to:
- Fostering a welcoming culture within our congregation
- Monitoring the health of our congregation
- Learning from members and friends who have distanced themselves
- Membership engagement
- Congregational growth
- Improving our volunteer “culture”
- A key feedback loop to the Board on members’ impressions and engagement
Trustee at Large - Stewardship
- A three year commitment
- Works closely with the Treasurer at a strategic level looking after the Physical and Financial Health of the Fellowship with an eye to employees, volunteers, building and grounds, equipment, finances and other items.
- Maintain open communication and support Fund raising, Endowment and Finance committees
- Facilitate and oversee the Annual Budget Drive and Service Auction as well as other fundraising activities.
- Routinely, check in with pledge income and contact members as needed.
- Helps ensure financial support is available as allocated
- Maintain open communication and support Personnel committee, employees and volunteers to ensure our human resources are utilized to their fullest potential and assist in resolving issues if they arise
- Support search committees and interview process for new employees as needed, assist with onboarding process
- Support the updating of policies, specifically those directed towards resources
- Maintain open communication and be a liaison with facilities and grounds as well as Gateways, assist in obtaining funding for specific projects as appropriate and ensure projects are addressed in order of what is best for the fellowship immediately and long term.
Trustee at Large - Social Justice Equity Compassion
- Works with the Fellowship social justice committees and serves as liaison with the Board.
- Work with the Minister, the Director of Religious Education and Ministries Administrator as a social justice advocate. Work to assist MUUF Priority Area Leaders and Program Committees that are in need of revitalization or assistance in achieving their envisioned functionality.
- Lead the SEAC meetings and facilitate communications between the functional social justice groups.
- Stay informed on internal and external issues affecting Board and Fellowship actions:
- Side with Love Action
- UU The Vote
- UU Faith Action NJ
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee follows the procedures for nominating candidates as written in congregational bylaws to nominate candidates for open board positions and nominating committee positions. Meetings begin in late fall, with discussions of candidates’ strengths and weaknesses later in March. The discussions and asking processes continue thru the end of April when the full slate is due for submission to Fellowship in writing. All conversations are confidential.
Members of Nominating are not eligible to serve in any other elected position of MUUF, including the Board, COM, Finance, and Endowment.
Critical thinker,
Knows many members of congregation
Familiar with inner workings of the Fellowship with regard to board and other elected positions and their roles
Diplomatic, able to broach sensitive subjects while being direct and clear
Not a gossip – could be trusted to have the appropriate and confidential conversations with other committee members as well as potential candidates
Finance Committee
– The candidate for this position should have an aptitude for dealing with finances
– Experienced in reading a budget.
– Ability to work with or create spread sheets.
– Regularly, as part of the committee review Katy Julich’s monthly finance reports.
– To note and discuss anything of concern with Katy Julich as a committee
– Help to develop the proposed budget for the following fiscal year.
– Meets once a month on 1st Tuesday of month.
- Once elected, the Member should familiarize themselves with the MUUF Bylaws, especially those related to Finances, as well as the MUUF Finance Policies.
Endowment Committee
Term: Three to five members are elected for staggered, 3-year terms.
Desired qualities: Prospective members should have one or more of the following skills to support Endowment activities listed in the section below:
- knowledge of the congregation and its members,
- writing,
- project mgmt./evaluation,
- outgoing, good interpersonal skills,
Plus (but not required):
- Familiarity with tax implications and advantages of various charitable giving approaches (the new member can be brought up to speed on this)
- Personal experience with endowment giving
The MUUF Endowment Committee roles include, but are not restricted to support the following Endowment activities:
- Attend regularly scheduled meetings (currently monthly).
- Apprise the Congregation of the existence, credibility, and worthiness of the Endowment Fund
- Continuing education of Congregation members about the charitable aspects of estate planning, ways to transfer assets, the use of wills and trusts, life insurance, annuities, gifts of real property, securities or other tangible property such as art works and antiques. Activities include:
- A marketing plan to tell potential donors about ways they can give to the endowment fund and explain the advantages of each giving method.
- Examples of marketing tools are:
- Financial planning workshops that include a charitable giving component.
- Charitable giving brochures.
- Articles in MUUF newsletter and journals,
- Mail/email campaigns,
- meetings with potential donors,
- social media campaign,
- articles and notices highlighting gifts that have been made
- Developing and updating brochures and website reference content
- Interviewing givers and publicizing bequests for “why I give” advertising.
- Honoring givers – ordering plaques
- Memorial Garden
4. Encourages and assists members and friends of the Congregation in making contributions to the Fund.
5. In coordination with the MUUF finance staff, accepts and monitors donations to the fund, adds the donor information to a permanent record kept for that purpose, channels the donation to the investment agency (UUCEF). Thanks are sent to the donor and a note is also sent to the recipient or their family notifying them of the donation.
6. Monitors performance of the UUCEF and presents reports to the congregation re new gifts received, investment returns earned by the fund, the size of the fund, net asset value, annual allocations (where warranted by policy and procedures), project allocations and spending.
7. Periodically conducts campaigns to solicit project proposals for spending allocations made by the membership at the annual meeting.
8. Project Grants: The Committee seeks suggestions for worthwhile recipients and projects from the Congregation, the Board, and Congregation committees. Activities include publicity, education on project proposal sponsorship and form submission, review of submitted proposals, analysis of received proposals, submission to the Board for their consideration and final decision.
9. Review, Update or Write policies and procedures
Below are descriptions of committees to volunteer on
Green Earth Ministry (GEM)
Linda DeLap
Meets the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m.
This committee seeks to encourage earth-friendly practices within MUUF itself, within the lives of MUUF members and friends, and in the larger communities to which we belong. Goals include raising awareness of environmental issues and injustices; encouraging community and government action; generating commitment to sustainable lifestyle choices; and building a connection between spiritual practice and environmental consciousness. All are welcome to participate in our activities and meetings.