Our Service Auction is just days away. The Auction Team is excited to be sharing this very special evening with all of you. Tickets are $25 at the door. If you’re on the fence about this, here’s what Rev. Sasha shared recently:
“I’ve spoken with about 54 people in my 1-on-1s “meet and greets” so far, and I was struck by how many people mentioned that auction events played a big role when they were still new to MUUF in helping them meet people and build connections and community here.”
Think of it as a fast-track to integrating into our community. We promise to meet you half-way. It’s the party that keeps on giving all year long!
Here’s what you can expect:
- The Doors to the Gateway Center will open at 5pm.
- Enter through the new entrance to the Gateways Center and check in at the registration table where you will receive a list of our Auction items. You can also peruse the Catalog online. (We recommend viewing by selecting “Catalog List” and sorting by “Item” for the best experience. There is also a “Calendar” tab that gives monthly display of Events.
- Raffle Prizes will be on display in Chu Hall. Tickets can be purchased on site. Winning raffle tickets will be pulled later in the evening. No need to be present to win.
- Enjoy delicious food and beverages, and live music from some of your favorite Sunday morning musicians.
- Our silent auction area opens at about 6:15. Our generous congregants have offered more than 100 items, including many group events. There are even two large events planned for our new Chu Family Hall. And do not miss Rev. Sasha’s offer to change her hair color (for a price, of course). There’s something for everyone!
- Indulge in delectable desserts and continued socialization
What happens after Saturday night?
- Bid sheets are put into our auction software and we will re-open the auction online by Tuesday, so that you may continue to bid throughout the week.
- On Sunday, Nov 24, we will offer a last chance to bid online at the Fellowship during coffee hour. Helpers can assist anyone having trouble with the online bidding process.
- Our auction will end at noon on November 24.
- Hosts and auction winners will be notified of the results shortly after Thanksgiving. You’ll receive a bill and instructions for picking up your items and making payment.
If you still have questions or need assistance accessing the list of auction offerings, please send a note to ServiceAuction@muuf.org.