Come to a fun “Souper Saturday” training session. Learn to use the new kitchen equipment while making “soup” you will enjoy for your lunch as well as serve at our “Souper Sunday” Brunch the next day.
WHERE will this take place- In our Gateways kitchen of course!
WHEN?- One weekend a month starting in February 2025.
Once you have attended a training session weekend, then you have earned your very own “Green Apron” with our beautiful MUUF logo to wear when you volunteer for the fellowship. You may assist on service auction events, fellowship events and possible rental events.
Become a coffee making pro on our new super fast coffee maker. Learn the 3-sink washing method and how to use our sanitizing dishwasher. Learn how to set-up chafing dishes for buffets or use or new washing machine.
This is your opportunity to share in the use of our new Gateways building, and continue to create our sustainable future.