Christmas Eve Family Service


Dec 24 2024


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Meeting Room
21 Normandy Rd

Join us for an interactive Christmas pageant for all ages — and especially families with young children! Children (and the young at heart) are invited to arrive dressed up as shepherds, angels, wise ones, or barnyard animals for this fun and participatory service. We will end by singing “Silent Night” by candlelight.

To make sure everyone can join in the fun, we’re setting up a Costume Table with a variety of items for those who couldn’t prepare a costume in advance. We need your help to make it a success!

Do you have any angel halos, wings, wise one crowns and robes, shepherd crooks and tunics, or fuzzy ears and piggy noses lying around – or other items that a creative person could use as part of an angel, shepherd, wise one, or barnyard animal costume? If so, please consider sharing them with us!

Simply drop your costume items in the big red bin next to the Christmas tree in the Great Hall. Be sure to label your items with your name and email address if you’d like them back later. They will be available for pickup on Sunday, December 29th.

Let’s make this Christmas Eve extra special by sharing the joy and spirit of the season. Thank you for your generosity, and we can’t wait to see you and your creative costumes on Christmas Eve!


Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
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