Have you recently reflected on your own, in your classroom, or in your small group on one of our monthly SoulMatters themes of Invitation, Deep Listening, or Repair? Did your […]
AI&U&UU Discussion Group Meets Monthly
A lay-led service was presented on 2/18/24 on the topic of Artificial Intelligence, entitled AI&U&UU. Here is a link to that service (actually a mildly edited version, with dead-time cut […]
Calling All Volunteers!
Let’s Make Our Queer Holiday Makers Market a Success! We’re excited for our upcoming Queer Holiday Makers Market, happening on Saturday, December 7th, from 1-5 PM at 21 Normandy Heights […]
What’s Happening in the Network
As part of the Board’s efforts to facilitate connection, communication, and coordination between the Fellowship’s Board, Committee on Ministry, staff, and ministry teams, the Board hosts quarterly Network Meetings. Congregational […]
Imagination and Dedication at the Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
The dedication of our new Gateways Center brought a weekend of celebration and community to the Morristown Unitarian Universalist Fellowship. Rightly so, for we were culminating fourteen years of effort […]