Author: Nick Wallwork

  • Nick Wallwork

    Nick Wallwork joined the Fellowship staff in July 2021. For over a decade and a half, he has put his passions to work professionally, working for justice on political campaigns and as an activist and teaching and guiding children and youth on a more just and spiritual path. Coming to MUUF as a new UU, he will be learning with all of us how to live out our seven principles better. Nick has a Master’s Degree from Dubuque Theological Seminary and is a Certified Spiritual Director. He likes community, coffee, diners, cooking, getting loud, music, meditation, family, breaking bread, New Jersey, the Buffalo Bills, and summer camp. Click here to book an appointment with Nick. Contact for questions about how to register your child(ren) and youth for our Religious Education Program, as well as to find out about Adult Learning and other Programs.

Featured Banned Books: Nick’s Picks

Inspired by Hazel’s Article “Lifting Up Voices: Updating and Expanding Our Banned Books Collection” and her tireless work putting together our...

Religious Education Volunteers Needed

We have heard it said that our Religious Education Program is part of our great legacy. It is a responsibility that I don’t take lightly. We have spent the...

Realm member directory review

Join us this Sunday at the Realm table during coffee hour, to confirm your contact information in our online Member directory. Never been on Realm? We can help...

“Water Is Life”

Mní Wičóni. Water is life. This sacred truth, which echoed around the world as the Standing Rock Sioux Nation led the movement to resist the construction...
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